Notariell beglaubigte Übersetzung in Japan
In Japan arbeite ich öfters für die japanische Polizei. Sollten Deutsche in Japan einen Dolmetscher für Rechtsanwälte oder einen Polizeibesuch brauchen, sagen Sie bitte Bescheid. In diesem Fall muss jeder Brief oder jeder Besuch ins Japanische übersetzt werden. Desweitern, kann ich Ihnen auch notariell beglaubigte Übersetzung erstellen. Diese ist bei allen offiziellen administrativen Angelegenheiten erforderlich, zum Beispiel bei der Einreichung von Heiratsurkunden, Patenten, Gerichtsdokumenten etc. Ein japanischer Notar beglaubigt dafür die Korrektheit und Vollständigkeit einer Übersetzung.
Die Preise von Übersetzungen richten sich nach dem Schwierigkeitsgrad. Für sehr kurzfristige Aufträge berechne ich eine Eilpauschale.
Medical Interpretation in Japan: Call the AMBULANCE
What do you do in the case you meet an accident in Japan?
Thanks to Japan, sometimes it only takes 5-10 mins.
# Don't think about money. Calling an ambulance is NOT too expensive in Japan. Your health is always priority.
In case you need an Interpreter:
Text me on LinkedIn or Facebook or Email: maxie.pickert @
Try to contact your Japanese friend, who speaks some English.
(Personal contacts are the fastest to reach in most cases. However, their foreign language ability can be limited. Dealing with doctor's in an emergency can be very stressful for both Interpreter, Doctor, and your Family Members, )
Interpretation at Police Station
Hopefully you would never need to hire an interpreter for visiting a police station in Japan. However, in case you get arrested you might need one.
For visiting a foreigner at a japanese police station you need an interpreter. Family members are allowed to visit for 15 mins. This is called 'Menkai' (面会) in Japanese. It is forbidden to talk about legal content at this meeting. Therefore, the police needs an interpreter to check the content.
You can also send letters to the police station. The content of each letter will be checked, so an English written letter needs to be translated into Japanese. An airplane ticket to Japan can be very expensive, so sometimes it is better to write letters.
Further, you find English speaking lawyers in the Tokyo area. Usually, bilingual lawyers are more expensive. It can be difficult to find bilingual lawyers in the countryside. If your lawyer does not speak fluent English, you can always hire an interpreter to help you.
I realized that you can not find many Information on this topic. What kind of information would be useful to be available in English language?
Japanisch - Deutsch Comic Übersetzung: Feiertage
Comic über das Leben in Deutschland von einer Japanerin. Feiertage in Japan und Deutschland. Deutsche feiern Weihnachten, Japaner mögen Neujahr. Eine Japanisch - Deutsch Übersetzung:
Comic über das Leben in Deutschland von einer Japanerin. Feiertage in Japan und Deutschland. Deutsche feiern Weihnachten, Japaner mögen Neujahr. Eine Japanisch - Deutsch Übersetzung:
Japanese thoughts on British Culture: A Beautiful Manga by Chihiro Tamaki
I'm very happy to be able to meet Chihiro Tamaki the author of this manga. She was telling her story of moving to the UK.
She was studying English and there is much we can learn from her about language and communication.
Stop being polite
I love her story about the time when she realized that it's easier to say directly what you want. She compared the Japanese way of critique and the UK style.
Don't be shy to speak English
She was learning English in class and soon realized that her Japanese classmates struggled to speak English. Many of the students from Spain had been in the same language class, but for them it was much easier to speak. That's when she realized that in Japanese culture people wait and listen until the end before they speak, while in Spain people enjoy talking and don't mind changing subjects.
Native Speaker's struggel, too
English is a foreign language for many people. That's why there are many different accents and many different ways of communication. Sometimes English is hard to understand even for native speakers, so you should never be afraid to talk in English.